Tuesday 8 May 2012

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 11:57pm ·

 It is spawned of series of following expanding on specific situations between men and women. But the facts is non could really co-exist if there are never bond in the first place. Ironically both saying to the best and might be the opposite corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line, space, or thing. Contrary or radically different in some respect common to both, as in nature, qualities, direction, result, or significance; opposed: opposite sides in a controversy; opposite directions which is being the other of two related or corresponding things: friendly with many members of the opposite sex. The truth is there is never a comfort in conversations unless by warm welcome from the beginning. Such issue can be debate to no answer and solution. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

Nope I am never a saint nor a wise living man but just across of humble thoughts. Man or woman are born to adjust the adversity and co-exist together. We are not a slave to each other but as a bonding of physically and chemistry. Never less all issue that was written here could be subjective, vice versa of the everyday lives and accidentally the facts that many still practice. Question can always pop up to a new culture syndrome practice and logic can sometimes unable to help the current situation. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

 There can never be a true understanding in knowledge of knowing each other but contented and respect. Without contented there will be no trust. Without respect alas but lust to which will never profound a bond. But again it can be defined by these characteristics: enduring behavioral interdependence, repeated interactions, emotional attachment, and need fulfillment. Humans have a universal need to belong which is satisfied when intimate relationships are formed. Intimate relationships consist of the people that we are attracted to, whom we like and love, romantic and sexual relationships, and those who we marry and provide emotional and personal support. Intimate relationships provide people with a social network of people that provide strong emotional attachments and fulfill our universal needs of belongingness and the need to be cared for. But again every individuality have own mind of concepts. To be contented and respect without it profound nothingness proceed to divorce. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

Whether men are from Mars and women are from Venus is not a fact but contemporary. We all should be living and comfort each other. Written here is the osmotic issue to which can never have an answer but practice. Either successfully or literally fails depend on the individuality practice. For everything that own have a responsibilities. Life ain’t here for no reason but pragmatism in which base from logic and ideology from early tribe to modern culture. Constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis; men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. ??? Mmmm… from which I see there are others planets above us. Men can never be Mars nor women can be Venus. The dogmatic tales of which from the start gives no solution. We are all bonded. Be thankful, forgiving and except in which fate have already been predestined to us. Hate each other or not is another question. Move on and except. For everything that own have a responsibilities.

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