Saturday 5 May 2012

For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine

By Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 2:16pm ·

For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine.  I have value things for now in my visionary world. Although I can said that I have yearn that much but then again at the end of the day how many really value it. For what is more important is where I stand in the midst of time. Almost all my life I have been giving for then I have realised how much times passed-by. People are hard to figure. At times when they we so called friend but then as times passed-by they will change; therefore I truly believed written quote by Balthasar Gracian as mentioned, “Friendship is to be examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding.”
Basically I build myself with a high wall; I guess my structures were old as the "Great Wall of China", merely for a good purpose of mine. These walls of mine to seek the truth from others merely to see are you sincere? This practice I put in my soul as such also I would rather be single rather than having a wrong relationship or marriage. But again words could sometimes have two meanings or more so got your facts right. I really must agreed and admit I am seemed like a snobbish person but then again my thoughts are too deep basically none could see it. I am frequently torn between two pathways in life or actually do live two very different existences at the same time but I am honest. No matter where I goes I bring along my principal and concepts as long none touch my boundaries I am kind. But again in life as such too many simply tends to seek as such kindness as weakness. Honestly all that from my past, present and future examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding by me. To take pleasure in someone's company does not make him or her close friend. Life is a drifter but life without friends is a wasteland. As I said before my thoughts were too deep and I see none could see it.

Year 2012 I have set to aim my goal. Therefore I will practically try in trials practice. Whether I am succeeded or not I let the fate decide in my journey of life. I am just humans anyway. Do not judge a book by its cover. Like humans look can sometimes be deceiving. What matter most where I stand in the midst of time? I don’t live in people expectation by my own in my imaginary world. Times will tell and wrote the chapter of my life. At times I look back of all written expression as a proof to myself where do I stand in the midst of my time.

Know how to test people. The care of the wise must guide against the snare of the wicked. Great judgement is needed to test the judgement of another. It is more important to know the characteristics and properties of people than those of vegetables and minerals. Indeed, it is one of the shrewdest things in life. You can tell metals by their ring and men by their voice. Words are proof of integrity, deeds still more. Here one requires extraordinary care, deep observation, subtle discernment, and judicious decision. Live for the moment. Our acts and thoughts and all must be determined by circumstances. Act when you may, for time and tide wait for no one. Do not live by certain fixed rules, except those that relate to the cardinal virtues. Nor let your will pledge to fixed conditions, for you may have to drink the water tomorrow that you cast away today. There are some so absurdly paradoxical that they expect all the circumstances of an action should bend to their eccentric whims and not vice versa. The wise man knows that the very polestar of prudence lies in steering by the prevailing wind.” - Balthasar Gracian

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