Tuesday 8 May 2012

Once it is gone its will never comes back

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 9:35pm

“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” (Harvey MacKay)

Does it right? Spend it right. Once it is gone its will never comes back. Treasure it and be thankful. Realize too late bring no such reliefs only sorrow. For the love ones show them that you care. A little thing given shows a great different meaning to them. Money is something at which if you have tons it will be at times could heal you but then it will make you feel lonely. But money can never buy a happy soul therefore it don't last. A problem is in life. If you don't have none of it damn I think you have a problems. For all that may have gone wrong was already predestined. We don’t live in yesterday but as present moments. But human will always be humans repeating the same mistake again and again. The reason why once a trust is broken to open up with an open heart again is hard. Different person adapt it differently. Whatever it is what matter most where we stand in the midst of time. We all will be saying goodbye when the times come.

(William Shakespeare)
Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love.

Love comforter like sunshine after rain.
Such is my love, to thee I so belong,
that for thy right myself will bear all wrong.
One half of me is yours, the other half yours-
Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
and so all yours!

My bounty is as deep as the sea,
my love as deep; the more I give to thee,
the more I have, for both are infinite.
So they love as love in twain
had the essence but in one;
Two distinct, divisions none...

This is my diary of my essential life. For the moments ask and seek at times I look at my footnote. My foolishness to mention here but that does not matter as I see a reflection of my own because you are not me and I am not you.  We live and share the same environment but live in different dimension.  “Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” (Harvey MacKay)

Apa itu bangsa Melayu

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11:27pm

Apa itu bangsa Melayu
Apakah bangsa berdaulat
Apakah bangsa terhormat
Apakah bangsa beradat
Atau hanya berhias kata

Apa itu bangsa Melayu
Melayuku adalah MelayuMu
Melayuku sukar bersatu padu
Melayuku hilang dalam terang
Pudarkah dalam bumi sendiri

Apa itu bangsa Melayu
Bangsanya Melayu bahasanya Melayu
Bahasa Melayu tercermin indah
Tercermin indah menyulam kata
Bersopan santun tingkah lakunya

Apa itu bangsa Melayu
Bangsa tercipta dahulu kala
Bangsa itu bukan agama
Bangsa itu adalah resam
Aku adalah bangsa Melayu

Bernafaskah Aku Ini ?

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Monday, February 13, 2012

Bernafaskah Aku ini
Kala jasad bersama nyawa
Masih lagi menghirupkan angin
Udara tak terlihat olehnya mata
Namun masih aku berdiri                             

Bernafaskah Aku ini
Bicara kata-kata dengan lidah
Rasa segan dan kelu tiada
Mengungkap setiap ruang dahaga
Namun masih aku berdiri

Bernafaskah Aku ini
Berlari-lari jauh kembara
Mendaki bukit bak tinggi menggunung
Penat dan lelah puas semua rasa
Namun masih aku berdiri

(Fikir-fikirlah ye....tidak Allah jadikan hidup ini melainkan pementasan sandiwara yang akan menjawap setiap persoalan masing-masing.)

Kerna Nyawa Bersama Jasad

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin  on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 12:29am ·

Malam bertandang lagi
Setelah pulang daripada kelmarin
Walau itu hanya semalaman
Namun gambaran itu terjelas
Tidak mungkin pudar
Kerana nyawa bersambung jasad
Kala rasa tercipta resah
Hambar, kesan pulang kelmarin
Hari nan esok kan terpancar lagi
Menusuk ke dalam hu kalbu
Bangun sesudah rehat tidur lena
Menuju setapak selangkah lagi
Suatu kata mungkin terlupa
Rasa-rasa yang begitu berbeda
Membuat kisah nakhoda
Tidak mungkin sama melayarkannya
Kefahaman dan penilaian
Itu adalah perkara utama.

Tanyalah Kepada Diri

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 10:10pm

Tanyalah kepada diri
Pernahkah terfikir olehmu
Duhai insan yang punya nama
Lihatlah begitu ramai bangsamu
Dalam kelompok umat manusia

Tanyalah kepada diri
Langit nan biru tinggi sekali
Malam terlihat bintang dan bulan
Siang terasa panas dek matahari
Siapakah Sang pemiliknya

Tanyalah kepada diri
Setiap yang hidup pasti mati
Tiada yang bernyawa kekal abadi
Demi masa yang berlalu pergi
Siapakah Sang pemiliknya

Tanyalah kepada diri

Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 7:35pm ·

Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu
Ketika aku tidak mengerti lagi
Soal yang perlu aku laksanakan
Apa perlu aku uruskan atau tidak
Mungkin bersahaja tanpa memikirkan
Hanya lelah batuk di tangga

Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu
Ketika aku masih remaja
Tak perlu bagiKu memikirkannya
Mungkin kerna itu bukan lintasanKu
Untuk aku membina diri
Mencapai matlamat hala tuju hidupKu

Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu
Manis hempedu bersalut bisa
Ingat sentiasa beringat
Namun itulah qada dan qadar
Menanggung nasib di badan
Tersenyum aku siapa yang tahu

Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu
Gerak selangkah dengan bismillah
Berdoa berikhtiar dan berusaha
Hidup itulah hikayat kehidupan
Semalam itu kelmarin berlalu
Pementasan layar lakon sendiri


Gerimis Malam

By Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 3:43am ·
 Gerimis malam
Membasah bumi yang lusuh
Kala sedar datang dan pergi
Ketika tiap waktu berlalu
Atau mungkin dek kelewatan
Kerna tiada mungkin kembali

Gerimis malam
Membasah airmata di pipi
Yaa Allah Yaa Rabbi
Apakah mungkin begitu terasa
Setelah kerapkali kecewa
Namun Masya-Allah
NikmatMu melebihi segalanya

Gerimis malam
Tercoretnya nyata kekata
Aku dan semua tiada beza
Kita adalah hambaNya

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 11:57pm ·

 It is spawned of series of following expanding on specific situations between men and women. But the facts is non could really co-exist if there are never bond in the first place. Ironically both saying to the best and might be the opposite corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line, space, or thing. Contrary or radically different in some respect common to both, as in nature, qualities, direction, result, or significance; opposed: opposite sides in a controversy; opposite directions which is being the other of two related or corresponding things: friendly with many members of the opposite sex. The truth is there is never a comfort in conversations unless by warm welcome from the beginning. Such issue can be debate to no answer and solution. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

Nope I am never a saint nor a wise living man but just across of humble thoughts. Man or woman are born to adjust the adversity and co-exist together. We are not a slave to each other but as a bonding of physically and chemistry. Never less all issue that was written here could be subjective, vice versa of the everyday lives and accidentally the facts that many still practice. Question can always pop up to a new culture syndrome practice and logic can sometimes unable to help the current situation. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

 There can never be a true understanding in knowledge of knowing each other but contented and respect. Without contented there will be no trust. Without respect alas but lust to which will never profound a bond. But again it can be defined by these characteristics: enduring behavioral interdependence, repeated interactions, emotional attachment, and need fulfillment. Humans have a universal need to belong which is satisfied when intimate relationships are formed. Intimate relationships consist of the people that we are attracted to, whom we like and love, romantic and sexual relationships, and those who we marry and provide emotional and personal support. Intimate relationships provide people with a social network of people that provide strong emotional attachments and fulfill our universal needs of belongingness and the need to be cared for. But again every individuality have own mind of concepts. To be contented and respect without it profound nothingness proceed to divorce. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus ???

Whether men are from Mars and women are from Venus is not a fact but contemporary. We all should be living and comfort each other. Written here is the osmotic issue to which can never have an answer but practice. Either successfully or literally fails depend on the individuality practice. For everything that own have a responsibilities. Life ain’t here for no reason but pragmatism in which base from logic and ideology from early tribe to modern culture. Constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis; men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. ??? Mmmm… from which I see there are others planets above us. Men can never be Mars nor women can be Venus. The dogmatic tales of which from the start gives no solution. We are all bonded. Be thankful, forgiving and except in which fate have already been predestined to us. Hate each other or not is another question. Move on and except. For everything that own have a responsibilities.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Both primary and secondary objective comes together actually.

 By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Friday, April 6, 2012 at 4:45pm

What is primary objective really means? Its mean being of the simplest or most basic order of it’s should be; first in order in any series, sequence and practically how it should begin firstly. What is secondary objective really means? Its mean minor or lesser importance in which practically should be understood well therefore not to complicate the mind what it should be done or just let it go. But then again both primary and secondary objective comes together actually. Life has to be in a way simplify with logic sense involved with practicality practise and having a faith to believe. One should try in trials practically and lets the fate decide because we all are human beings. There are no such things as doing nothing as to seek what purpose to seek. Life is not about bragging and complaining in the first place not to seek for an option. Life is bound by three essentials that are choice, chance and change. Primary and secondary objective comes together actually just decide.

I am never a saint nor a wise living man but just across of humble thoughts which are actually the facts. For what is known i thank God (Allah), alhamdulillah. Life is a drifter born a loser. Which means life is always a trial of failure before success. Please understand facts. A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at. It does not matter what people think of me because i only see myself a reflect mirror of myself seeking my own to what i know and blossom and grace myself. You don't live for others but yourself and blossom with the others. “It would be pointless for a plum blossom to try to remake itself as a cherry blossom, no matter how deeply the plum yearns to do so. The plum is happiest when it blooms as itself in full glory. How much of the colour and wonder of life would be lost if it were not for our differences.”

“Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt.” It is an expression of mine in which I profound in my journey of life. I am not perfect and never will be but I believed in progress. The journey which took me from experience through meeting with any mortals, tons of failure, borrowed transcending knowledge and realized the value if life. But I have to agree emotions can sometimes tackle a way with logic and transcending myself into depth of “DID/IED”; I have to thank to that in which make me what I am today. People can hate me or like me, I thank for that compliment. I live life practically in my way. I don’t have to proof in everything but there are people whom tend to forget. It’s life. I will always remember to a person whom I respect saying this to me, “Life a drifter born a loser.” Both of us have great respect to each other, understood the way of life although mine is different from his, bind by trust, certified will power and most importantly a friend to be remembered well. I may not be around him during the moments tons of friends surrounded but we always be together just to by the times in Zen.

The trials taken for years have leaded me a way. It’s happens by miracle. I took the choice, chance and change alhamdulillah. I’m not rich with tons of money but comfortable. I gave that choice to three people. One of them sucks big times. I’m happy to see those two person are happy. It has been in their fate.

The diary of my essentials is my footnote, from time to times I look at my expression. It’s has nothing to do with preaching but reflection of myself. Where do I stand in the midst of time? Alhamdulillah for all the lost, failures and shedding tears without the guidance from Allah I am nowhere. The past is no longer valid but remind in the banks of memories as such to be understood and thankful. The present to be bloom for tomorrow is a new day.

Adapt yourself to circumstance.

 By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 2:00am

Adapt yourself to circumstance.
Governing, reasoning, and everything else must be done at the right moment. Want to do something when you can, for time and opportunity wait for no one. Don't live by generalities, unless it be to act virtuously, and don't ask desire to follow precise laws, for you will have to drink tomorrow from the water you scorn today. Some people are so paradoxically impertinent that they demand that circumstances adapt to their own whims, and help them succeed, rather than the other way around. But the wise know that the polestar of prudence lies in adapting themselves to the occasion. (Baltasar Gracian)

Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. This expression of mine came into as such from my own experience in life. Gather from the thought in which emotionally and physically; happiness or success as such I believed things should be done practically with trials practise. Succeed of such action or failure in life as such already been predestined to except fate written. But then fate is never to be blame because some cause of things happen cannot be explained in logic sense or science. That is not our business. We are just entity and that have to be remember. In life trials in try as such practise practically emotionally or physically; let’s the fate decide. As a Muslim don’t be arrogant as not to even willing to said alhamdulillah. Be thankful. Life has to be in a way simplify with logic sense involved with practicality practise and having a faith to believe. One should try in trials practically and lets the fate decide because we all are human beings. There are no such things as doing nothing as to seek what purpose to seek. Life is not about bragging and complaining in the first place not to seek for an option. Life is bound by three essentials that are choice, chance and change.

I have to agree I am a stubborn person. I like to do things my way but then again I do adapt in such practise to adapt in the environment unless it goes against my principal I don’t bother to follow. I don’t follow to the crowd blindly.  I agreed with what have been mentioned by Bruce Lee as stated, “I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged. I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach. I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation. Fortunately for me, my self-knowledge has transcended that and I have come to understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized. I am happy because I am growing daily and I am honestly not knowing where the limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery. I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank of fortitude.” But if you really examined most people indirectly followed as such still wondering if he or she could? One should try in trials practically and lets the fate decide because we all are human beings.

Whatever that has been written here is nothing less the memory of the past misfortunes in which has added more to my bank of fortitude. My words sometimes bound back to those who seem to be so certain and as times past by then realised I have already mentioned it just that wondering if he or she could? I have to except even in honesty at times been just as a gimmick people tends to lies. White lies, fake lies and damn lies as such mostly kindness is been stated as weakness. People tend to forget. Move on and adapt but honestly if it does goes against my principal I could just acknowledge a person as human beings although he or she is in front of me I see transparency.  My diary is my footnote as I see it from time to times; without the guidance from Allah I may have lost my way.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Life can be a bit like advertising.

Masrulhakim Bin Amin  on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 7:32pm

"Don't get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who I am; my attitude depends on who you are. When some asked me why I am only easy-going with certain kind of peoples? Well... it all about who you care & who you don't, Sometimes, when you give up on someone, it's not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize they don't and that what make the differences between a person. So you will see why different attitude being apply to a different person due to what their character are. Let us look at a person perspective and you will realise on why there is a different among us. Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong Ones."

These words of statement written by a friend in his Facebook status remind me of myself. Basically I build myself with a high wall; I guess my structures were old as the "Great Wall of China", merely for a good purpose of mine. These walls of mine to seek the truth from others merely to see are you sincere? This practise I put in my soul as such also I would rather be single rather than having a wrong relationship or marriage. But again words could sometimes have two meanings or more so got your facts right. I really must agreed and admit I am seemed like a snobbish person but then again my thoughts are too deep basically none could see it. I am frequently torn between two pathways in life or actually do live two very different existences at the same time but I am honest. No matter where I goes I bring along my principal and concepts as long none touch my boundaries I am kind. But again in life as such too many simply tends to seek as such kindness as weakness. Honestly all that from my past, present and future examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding by me. To take pleasure in someone's company does not make him or her close friend. Life is a drifter but life without friends is a wasteland. As I said before my thoughts were too deep and I see none could see it.

Richard Templar mentioned in his book, “The Rules of Life”; Life can be a bit like advertising. I have to agree with what have been mentioned. You’ll never know from which bits of effort give you the best rewards. Life has never been fair in the first place. Be thankful because there are other people that might be worst than you. Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. I going tell you one thing for more than 10 years I have been praying for me to achieve and having a career which suit me. Well at the age of 32 my prayers was answer. Masya-Allah. It is a give and responsibility. A task given and every day I took it as my humble responsibility. Patience can be rewarding but then again it seemed I’m a materialist’s fellow; you who have guessed are wrong. I can only say I have wasted my years. Whatever my misfortune is just my numbness. Alhamdulillah I have introduce my path of career to three people only one disappoints me like hell. A piece of shit using smiley faces but fucking attitude and I hope he better grown up to be a man of responsible.

I will also remember what my boss told me, “Mas in life you have to be happy first. Be practical and flexible. Happiness and health. When the times come if you are hardworking wealth will come later. In life we just try and leave it to fate.” Simple words of which I have already adapt to it with numbness. Yeah in life just trials with try practise and let the fate decide. He is not a Muslim but his words remarkable. That is words of “iman with tawakal”. Sometimes it took other people to enlighten you. Therefore love peace and respect to all humans. Everybody live differently. You or me yes we live in this mortal world together but we all live in different dimension and chronically attach together.

The diary of my essentials is my footnote, from time to times I look at my expression. It’s has nothing to do with preaching but reflection of myself. Where do I stand in the midst of time? Alhamdulillah for all the lost, failures and shedding tears without the guidance from Allah I am nowhere. The past is no longer valid but remind in the banks of memories as such to be understood and thankful. The present to be bloom for tomorrow is a new day.

Jasad bersama badan

Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Friday, April 27, 2012 at 4:19am

Hai Badan
Ketika rebahmu di kala malam
Bernafas jiwa-jiwa berligar angkasa
Menyusul kembali setelah terjaga
Tersentak ke alam menyusul diri
Tadi hanya suatu mimpi indah

Hai Badan
Apakah esok terpancar sinaran
Sosok berjalan berlari mencari rezeki
Penat lelah duduk sebentar
Melihat langit terbentang keluasan
Inilah adat kehidupan menjadi resam
Tunggak mencari pedoman

Hai Badan
Fikir dan berkata-kata
Senyum mesra kala hati hiba
Tiada terucap hanya gurindam jiwa
Tegak berdiri kerana bernyawa
Jasad bersama badan.......

Sedarlah Sedarlah Sedarlah

Masrulhakim Bin Amin Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 1:09pm ·

Hai Bangsaku
Sedarlah Sedarlah Sedarlah
Tanah tumpah asal Mu tergadai
Kerna dewasa ingin merelakan
Wadah asal atas hak sesama
Ucapan kata hiasan semata
Apakah masih tidak dipelajari

Hai Bangsaku
Sedarlah Sedarlah Sedarlah
Mengapa buta dan pekak
Bisu bimbang atas dasar terikat
Bukakanlah hati dan jiwamu
Jernihkanlah mindamu
Aku Melayu Merdeka

Hai Bangsaku
Sedarlah Sedarlah Sedarlah
Pernah berkata Hang Tuah
Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia
Melayuku adalah MelayuMu
Janganlah akal mu layu
Bengang dan malu
Aku bangsa Melayu

Hai Bangsaku
Sedarlah Sedarlah Sedarlah
Jernihkan minda- minda Mu
Biar kita berbeza dalam pendapat
Namun jiwa Merdeka di hati
Bersatu kita semua teguh
Bercerai kita semua roboh

Hai BangsaKu

For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine

By Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 2:16pm ·

For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine.  I have value things for now in my visionary world. Although I can said that I have yearn that much but then again at the end of the day how many really value it. For what is more important is where I stand in the midst of time. Almost all my life I have been giving for then I have realised how much times passed-by. People are hard to figure. At times when they we so called friend but then as times passed-by they will change; therefore I truly believed written quote by Balthasar Gracian as mentioned, “Friendship is to be examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding.”
Basically I build myself with a high wall; I guess my structures were old as the "Great Wall of China", merely for a good purpose of mine. These walls of mine to seek the truth from others merely to see are you sincere? This practice I put in my soul as such also I would rather be single rather than having a wrong relationship or marriage. But again words could sometimes have two meanings or more so got your facts right. I really must agreed and admit I am seemed like a snobbish person but then again my thoughts are too deep basically none could see it. I am frequently torn between two pathways in life or actually do live two very different existences at the same time but I am honest. No matter where I goes I bring along my principal and concepts as long none touch my boundaries I am kind. But again in life as such too many simply tends to seek as such kindness as weakness. Honestly all that from my past, present and future examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding by me. To take pleasure in someone's company does not make him or her close friend. Life is a drifter but life without friends is a wasteland. As I said before my thoughts were too deep and I see none could see it.

Year 2012 I have set to aim my goal. Therefore I will practically try in trials practice. Whether I am succeeded or not I let the fate decide in my journey of life. I am just humans anyway. Do not judge a book by its cover. Like humans look can sometimes be deceiving. What matter most where I stand in the midst of time? I don’t live in people expectation by my own in my imaginary world. Times will tell and wrote the chapter of my life. At times I look back of all written expression as a proof to myself where do I stand in the midst of my time.

Know how to test people. The care of the wise must guide against the snare of the wicked. Great judgement is needed to test the judgement of another. It is more important to know the characteristics and properties of people than those of vegetables and minerals. Indeed, it is one of the shrewdest things in life. You can tell metals by their ring and men by their voice. Words are proof of integrity, deeds still more. Here one requires extraordinary care, deep observation, subtle discernment, and judicious decision. Live for the moment. Our acts and thoughts and all must be determined by circumstances. Act when you may, for time and tide wait for no one. Do not live by certain fixed rules, except those that relate to the cardinal virtues. Nor let your will pledge to fixed conditions, for you may have to drink the water tomorrow that you cast away today. There are some so absurdly paradoxical that they expect all the circumstances of an action should bend to their eccentric whims and not vice versa. The wise man knows that the very polestar of prudence lies in steering by the prevailing wind.” - Balthasar Gracian