Friday 12 December 2014

I have found my answer years ago.

I have found my answer years ago. The glimpse already past-by me the only reason why I am aware, it’s not a prediction but a matter that cannot be explain through logical sense. I have always see things in different way and live by different ways. Met numbers of entity, regardless of race, language or religion from time to time and may not be at a pleasant place. Regardless how, the reason why I am able because of my principal but I do make mistakes, ampler times and it could be repeatly but I am aware of it. There will be times when I am able to see it in a blurry visionary acts before things happens only to makes me realized how life becomes subtle to fate. Nothing is stronger than fate. There are things that cannot be explained through logical sense. But I realized if you are able to pass through “PASRAH” it’s something cannot be explain.

Comfort zone. The definition does not configure into simplicity. It is a process to reach comfort which believed to become sociologically into happiness in life. Therefore to seek happiness should always be the FIRST option as long it does not goes against the principal of your FAITH. You are not able to make all people agreeable with you.  Concerning people too much will only lead the self to not process. Live life in trials and lets the FATE DECIDE.

Cleansing myself from the distorted minds of which from time to time I see nothing more than just tranquility in depth thoughts far from normal.  Seeing things in my visionary world in a stage process; to me what matter most where do I stand in the midst of time? Time will tell my tales.

Independence towards self without doubt to stand within the trials not to depend too much on others regardless blood-line, friendships or bind by oath for all that matter actually is fact. As I grew I begins to realized the facts thus I do not have an attempt to ignore myself, simplified it always go for what makes you happy firstly. How honest can you be towards life and yourself? Basically in life individuality own responsibilities which require action to anticipate towards his or her life. Secondly the willingness to sacrifices what matters. Alas words can be merely words. Action talks louder than words. Therefore the essential comes back the same to seek own happiness first. Do what you feels make you happy as long it does not against your principal of faith.

For now whatever that matters for me to trials, I do not know what the future will be but I know processing myself of which not able to explain in simplified words. The past that I was have slowly creating a new me of which transcending into imperfection which I accept. Yes my imaginary world and I see myself alone. I choose to be what I am today basically expressing myself purely imperfect. The I.E.D may at times rises up but then I am able to conquer it only to give out in different way. I have found my answers. Yup FATE is design in such manners. It can at times be predicted but mostly hidden from reasons.

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