Wednesday 24 December 2014

Autistic person or personalities do not think normally as norms.

Academy matters. Study diligently for mathematics and science or whatever except for your language of communication but how many percentage of it do you use it? Becoming an academically with certification does not makes you CLEVER but STUPID. Why? Bruce Lee mentioned in his quotes, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do. If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” Therefore you still do not have a clue, you definitely need to grow up hopefully embark yourself with common sense. One of the basic reasons why years ago I did not attend to school and in fact leave class in from of my teacher and it seem I have disrespect her but the fact is I do not believe in studying without creativity. That was years ago and now the government want student to not only study but embark them to be mature. Its good but I still don’t understand why delusion the facts of life. Am I stupid or mostly PEOPLE are dumb-ass to configure themselves into slavery in a system. Systems are man-made. But I ABSOLUTELY AGREED CERTIFICATION BALDY DAMN IMPORTANT. Unless you are capable to live the way to believe in and not sway into a blackout plus having courage, you may proceed. To me life is not about studying or working your entire ass but simply live merrily. Autistic person or personalities do not think normally as norms. I am the living proof.

I am not here today as present without the guidance from ALLAH definitely I am lost. I fail too many times but my principal goes the same NEVER LOSE FAITH. Live life in trials practice and lets the FATE DECIDE. But it’s rare to anyone whom knew me know my struggles because I don't practice to tells others TRUTHFULLY because I walk alone even to my own blood-relations. Materialism is second options. Live merrily and practically adapt the choice, change and embrace to change. TRUST ALLAH not humans. ALLHAMDULILLAH.

The terms about education you have applied to what you learn. Develop it thus makes it in your creation in life. Education is a life-long learning process. As time pass-by you have to see yourself for the maturity that have process and configure it into progress.

The reason why I am working hard not because I am rich but basically I have never intended own anyone. If you are too dependent in people regardless who he or she, be prepare to be betray or been used. The only free things given are by GOD not people because basically the heart can change. I have always believed in trials. For some reasons if I walk away either I dislike the act or I do not see the practicality thus I do not want to discuss or argue because common sense is a give thus to tell people can becomes conflict. I would rather harmonize it then involve myself in unnecessarily opinions when people don't listen. I may not speak but I am not dumb. Ego kills a man to develop self-knowledge. In science and technologies there are development through research, process and progress. If you stick to one opinion then never ask for opinions, you will stuck in dogmatic tales of whom you can never create yourself.

I am the valid proof to what I said for mistakenly understood is not my problems because my words of action solely resemble myself from past to present nothing more than viewing my own self in a process of change; what matter most to me where do I stand in the midst of time?  Yes I have never intended to be perfect nor a religious fellow because I am not. I believe everything has already predestined and I accept my fate not blaming fate. But I can guarantee you that I am a unique fellow whom you never met in my actions and propounding self not to boast myself but generally to be myself as close and honest towards everything and yes it can never be perfect. My principal remains ALLAH knows best for me. Live myself in trials and lets the fate decide therefore I am no longer attach to emotional feelings as per normal although I do want it to me all I see are drama regardless who and how close a person can be. The certification values of relationships in any type are to be valid and judge by action and the sincerity as a person. How honest are you? To those who know me personally go figure if I am lying to myself. I am a proof how I am solely different right from the start you know me. The only things left you clueless which is my characteristic and which is my personality? 

Written on Sunday, April 27, 2014, ‏‎10:41:40 PM

Di mana cinta yang aku damba

Di mana cinta yang aku damba
Ketika resah membelai rasa-rasa
Apa mungkin aku miliki
Sedangkan hati bukan milik aku
Cinta kah itu

Di mana cinta yang aku damba
Ketika bisikkan membelai jiwa
Bertanya kerap dan ketika
Akal berfikir atau menghala nafsu
Cinta kah itu

Di mana cinta yang aku damba
Ketika hembusan membelai mesra
Ucapan bibir melalui lidah
Lidah satu tetapi bercabang
Cinta kah itu

Di mana cinta yang aku damba
Ketika aku dan akuan menjadi satu
Itulah benak fitrah semulajadi
Hidup perlu mencari cinta
Cinta kah itu ?
Tulisan: 31/7/2014 Khamis

Jam: 11.59 malam

Di mana syahadahmu ?

Di mana syahadahmu
Apakah kerna lahirmu
Di dunia ini; merintis
Atau mungkin sekadar bicaramu
Kerna lahirmu sebagai Islam

Di mana syahadahmu
Apakah kerna perbuatanmu
Lima perkara; seperti olah biasa
Yakinnya menutup enam dalam Satu
Qul huwallahu ahad
Tapi mana zuhudmu

Di mana syahadahmu
Syahadah tanpa zuhud alpa
Begitulah kita dan semua
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka
inni kuntu minadzolimin
Syahidnya kita adalah kepada diri

Monday 22 December 2014

Written in fate

The wind at times changes its direction
Cloud may seem to be bright
Will you know when it going rain?
It may take times sooner or later
For all that matters, if you knows it
We are in a circle and chronically attach
Written in fate

Have you ever wondered?
You present here were from yesterday
Well my friends you don’t see rainbow everyday
Success matters are not free gifts
It may takes times and your sweat
But then again nothing is stronger than fate
We are in a circle and chronically attach

Menghembus nafas Hu ALLAH

Menanti itu penat
Semalam menjadi kelmarin
Kelmarin berlalu pergi
Kala rasa itu indah
Masa tak terfikir luput
Namun sudah tergadah

Menanti itu penat
Siang berlalu malam berganti
Waktu bagai tak terpisah
Menghembus nafas Hu ALLAH
Lalai leka dan lupa
Itulah sebenarnya kita

Menanti itu penat

Ditulis tanggal ‎, ‎August ‎06, ‎2014 (Rabu)
Jam: 9:48:02 malam

Di mata zahir kerana itu syariatnya

Apa yang lain nampak
Tapi hamba melihat lain
Di mata zahir kerana itu syariatnya
Di mata hati kerana itu adalah jadinya
Hamba melihat dan berfikir
Sungguh hamba bersyukur

Semalam berlalu
Hamba tidak meyesal dan merintih
Kerna hamba hanya berada di sini
Atas apa dan segala adalah kerna  YANG ESA
Ia hamba melihat semalam
Kadangkala melihat semalam
Sungguh hamba bersyukur


Itulah yang hamba lihat

Sunday 21 December 2014

Melayu mudah ditipu. Melayu bila-bila kena tipu

Melayu ni mudah TERTIPU
Sampai bila-bila pun TERTIPU

Hei Melayu
Sering kali kau melaungkan
Mengaum bagai Singa lapar
Terjerat dan tertangkap sudah
Singa kini kau menjadi jinak
Tiada tinggal di hutan belantara
Apa yang ada adalah penjara
Hei Melayu
Cuba kau lihat sejarah silammu
Adakah engkau ini pengemis
Adakah engkau ini nelayan
Atau mungkin lanun di lautan
Bukan aku yang cakap macam tu
Coretan sejarah di ubah gantinya
Nak hapuskan BANGSAmu bodoh
Hapuskan sejarah nenek moyangmu
Hei Melayu
Aku tak percaya kepada TUAH
Biarpun Si JEBAT yang derhaka
Apakah kamu ni pekak buta dan tuli
Memanglah kita hidup dalam budaya
Tapi apa agamamu apa syariatmu
Maka itulah punca Raja hilang kuasa
Nah kau lihat sekarang dan dulu
Nak mampos kau nak ulangi lagi

Hei Melayu
Jiwa aku kerap memberontak
Aku benci kotak fikiranmu
Tanahmu tergadai
Rumahmu terjual
Ada apa dengan harta pusaka
Pusaka kamu hanya bercerita
Kisah masa-masa lampau
Tapi ada suatu perkara NYATA
Melayu seangkatan TALIBARUT
Begitu ramai duduk di kota
Di seberang tambak pun ada
Hei Melayu
Jika kamu berpanjikan kalimah
Jika kamu berpayung syahadah
Tapi kenapa kamu ini masih DUNGU
Bukan aku suruh kamu buat kamu
Meroyan sana dan sini BODOH
Cubalah berfikir menjadi matang
Nenek moyangmu telah tertipu
Kini dengan ilmu pun kau kena tipu
Hei Melayu
Kita bukan lagi di zaman penjajah
Tapi mindamu masih terjajah
Termangu dibuai mimpi indah
Bahasamu kini mulai tercabar
Salah siapa tanya diri salah siapa
Telah termaktub dalam perundangan
Melayu adalah bahasaku
Hei Melayu
Kalau aku kerap bercerita
Tetap tak akan ada kesudahan
Yang lalu usah kau tangiskan
Kau perlu bangkit perlu pengorbanan
Kau harus berani mencuba
Tapi kalau kertas kau coret sama
Malang sungguh KETURUNANmu
Melayu mudah ditipu
Melayu bila-bila kena tipu


The fragments of yesterday is no longer valid

The fragments of yesterday is no longer valid only reminisces of the past a knowledge experience which may become a solid foundation as present how to anticipate life presently. Basically we are in a chapter of our own and creation of our own either to know it or clueless in a reluctant to understand facts. The question is to ask yourself, who you really are? Blood-relation will not guarantee that you will be known and for a matter of facts even to your closes friends. A person needs to understand the facts of himself or herself and the significance of life. Bear in minds we all are in facts have our responsibilities. Knowing the priority and yes at times require selfishness because majority people in life forget you thus when you give don’t ask kindness to come back. Either you give in or ignore. There are others things practically need your attention. The negatively cosmos input will only generally put you down if you take it too hard and start questioning. Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. Live in trials practice and lets the fate decide. Whatever that was written here is nothing more for me to look at myself and realizing how people may not matters because nobody lived in your shoes. Having different personally and attitude may have made people misjudge you. You cannot change who you are but you can change who you can becomes in a process.

Encounter of countless trials which lead to failure and I do not regret it. Success to me is not justified by trials of action but to own it in a sense of accomplishment.  Wasted my years but again without all the sense of experience I will not grew into what I am today. Sometimes having a coffee doing nothing but simply be happy that is something money can’t buy. Yes the definition of happiness is simply be merrily and joyfully thanking the time at peace. Alhamdulillah for all praises to the Al-Mighty nothingness just silent in tune.

There are people keep asking me why I do not settle down. It’s not that I am too particular to be with whom, basically even when I am involve with relationships I do not declare it. I would rather let it be known for valid reason. Allah knows the best but then majority do not understand my significant answer. Whatever matters and trials are predestined. It does not mean I need sympathized. The truth is a relationship is not terms but responsibilities. If she can’t figure it out what the fuck I want to waste my time. I am maybe among the unluckiest guy to encounter few hijab women who are worse than bitch. But then I am not unlucky because I know where to stop. But I do not simplify or justified all women. Experience is valuable knowledge. Having vast experience mixing with people regardless who and humbly sharp observation that is a trump card, well in this world there are many assholes right? There are also many bitches.

“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life. The winds that sometimes take something we love, are the same that bring us something we learn to love. Therefore we should not cry about something that was taken from us, but, yes, love what we have been given. Because what is really ours is never gone forever.”- Bob Marley

Thursday 18 December 2014

Bersalah Atau Tidak

Aku bersalah
Bila aku melihat dan tidak berkata
Mengata dan tidak melaku apa
Menunding mencari salah siapa
Sepatutnya aku perlu mencerminkan diri
Apa hak aku berkata begitu
Bukan pasal masalah siapa pun
Sebenarnya masalah aku sendiri
Mungkin kerap mencerca atau menghina

Aku telah pun bersalah
Apabila hanya bersantai mengikut telunjuk
Di mana hakikat akal berfikir entah ke mana
Bagai katak bawah tempurungnya
Lumrah mata hanya memandang keindahan mata
Apa yang tersirat tidak menyirat tersurat
Tidak mungkin wujud kesempurnaan
Di mana-mana bumi ini sekalipun
Pasti ada rahsiaNYA tersembunyi
Tulisan ini pun sudah terlakar

Monday 15 December 2014

Sebenarnya aku dah lama MATI

Senafas mataku terbuka
Jantungku masih berdegup
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum
SemuaNYA adalah keranaNYA
Hatta hati ini bertanya lagi
Aku melihat dan mencermin diri
Begitulah dari masa ke masa
Subhanallah Allah Hu Ahad
SyariatKu adalah Nyawa
TarekatKu bertanya Nyawa
HakikatKu meminta Nyawa
MarifatKu sudah tidak BerNyawa
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum
Aku masih alpa
Aku masih cuai
Aku kerap lupa
Namun nikmat IMANKU di sini
Beramal mencari ilmu
Bukan untuk aku miliki
Hanya untuk mencermin diri
Ramai bersangka dan waspada
Kerna aku memang berbeza
Salah diri Aku kah ?
Bukan kesempurnaan yang dicari
Hanyalah erti damai dan tenang
Pementasan dalam setiap kefahaman
Masing-masing punya keyakinan
Akhlak aku tidak mencermin diriku
Sebenarnya aku dah lama MATI

Friday 12 December 2014

Remains the same at my Stone House Blues

My world tranquillize in a ponder
I smile with a hidden sadness kept a secret
Life ain’t perfect anyway
For what matter most of all
Where do I stand in the midst of time?

To live in hopes and be thankful
My souls transcending into another dimensions
I see no one but myself
Tranquillize in a ponder
Today is present and yesterday becomes the past

I live my life as drifter waiting for the days
Delusional minds talking to myself
Looking for something new
But mostly all things have change

Remains the same at my Stone House Blues

I have found my answer years ago.

I have found my answer years ago. The glimpse already past-by me the only reason why I am aware, it’s not a prediction but a matter that cannot be explain through logical sense. I have always see things in different way and live by different ways. Met numbers of entity, regardless of race, language or religion from time to time and may not be at a pleasant place. Regardless how, the reason why I am able because of my principal but I do make mistakes, ampler times and it could be repeatly but I am aware of it. There will be times when I am able to see it in a blurry visionary acts before things happens only to makes me realized how life becomes subtle to fate. Nothing is stronger than fate. There are things that cannot be explained through logical sense. But I realized if you are able to pass through “PASRAH” it’s something cannot be explain.

Comfort zone. The definition does not configure into simplicity. It is a process to reach comfort which believed to become sociologically into happiness in life. Therefore to seek happiness should always be the FIRST option as long it does not goes against the principal of your FAITH. You are not able to make all people agreeable with you.  Concerning people too much will only lead the self to not process. Live life in trials and lets the FATE DECIDE.

Cleansing myself from the distorted minds of which from time to time I see nothing more than just tranquility in depth thoughts far from normal.  Seeing things in my visionary world in a stage process; to me what matter most where do I stand in the midst of time? Time will tell my tales.

Independence towards self without doubt to stand within the trials not to depend too much on others regardless blood-line, friendships or bind by oath for all that matter actually is fact. As I grew I begins to realized the facts thus I do not have an attempt to ignore myself, simplified it always go for what makes you happy firstly. How honest can you be towards life and yourself? Basically in life individuality own responsibilities which require action to anticipate towards his or her life. Secondly the willingness to sacrifices what matters. Alas words can be merely words. Action talks louder than words. Therefore the essential comes back the same to seek own happiness first. Do what you feels make you happy as long it does not against your principal of faith.

For now whatever that matters for me to trials, I do not know what the future will be but I know processing myself of which not able to explain in simplified words. The past that I was have slowly creating a new me of which transcending into imperfection which I accept. Yes my imaginary world and I see myself alone. I choose to be what I am today basically expressing myself purely imperfect. The I.E.D may at times rises up but then I am able to conquer it only to give out in different way. I have found my answers. Yup FATE is design in such manners. It can at times be predicted but mostly hidden from reasons.

Friday 22 August 2014

Life is nothing more than just a journey

I lay down for a moments to understood
Gazing and subconsciously awaken myself
To see the past and present which I have stand
Trials of effort that repeatly fails but I keep on moving
For all the matters to begin, without any doubt
By gracious of ALLAH I may be lost

Timeless effort of multi trials every now and then
Life has never been kind to me but I am fine
Simmering echo of voices that keep calling my names
To where I have been or presently remain standing
I walk for the distance that I have choose to be
By gracious of ALLAH I may be lost

Life is nothing more than just a journey

Wednesday 20 August 2014


Twisted mind crawl deeper inside
Crying out loud for certain affection
Lowering in depth of the ocean
Hidden at times stumble by a calm waves
Across over the bridge of rainbow
Yet it remain clueless and lifeless

The book written is predestined
Believe it, nothing is stronger than fate
What lies ahead cannot be the answer
Life is to live practically as to survive
There’s no doubt, all have already written
Before you were even born to live

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The door was all a while shut but visitor allow.

To where it may seem nothingness remain
The door was all a while shut but visitor allow
Numerical numbers that have been written
Clueless but mathematical already answer
Destination steps by steps so many wasted
For now the door still shut to close

To some it cannot be figure for an answer
No matter how nothing is stronger than fate
For what matter most to me what do I lay upon
Although I can said too many delusional fakers
I do not intimidate by what others may said
Everyone own their own chapter to seek

To Whom It May Concern for matters to console
Do what you think is faithfully rights and yours to belong
The world is never bride to be kind to everything
Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt
Live life in trials practice and lets the fate decide
We merely humans and the life end by the door shut

(By Masrulhakim, written on 2014 April 18 at 3:04pm) ·

Monday 11 August 2014

Life is a learning lesson.

The definition of friends or friend come into theology of whom you may know personally or by communication regardless what method it maybe but then who are actually your friends or friend? Certification value of “friendship” should be tested by valid mature understanding, will power and respect in time thus even in conflicts certification value still exist. But when it begins to decline alas there can be no longer firm certification. It’s like a couple need to break up for a better thus still holding the respect but not trust. But in real life mostly when couples or husband and wife file a divorce the relationship will be sour. Therefore the basic fundamental is never to put 100% trust to anyone.

To all individuality born to be a seeker, regardless who he or she because life is a journey; yes full of osmotic transcending actions never less already predestined in fate. But then life adventure will be bored if ones only able to think just inside the manipulation man-kind system. Ones should live in creativity thus humbly express it as real as possible. To live without a lies, yes it can never be done but stick to the fundamental and remains in the principal. We cannot be same but common in understanding, if there’s a different one must humbly keep in mind because faith cannot be force. It’s yours, so is mine.

"People try to hold onto the sameness. This holding onto prevents growth." Bruce Lee
The statement as above is facts. In life one must lead into own creative motivation rather than suit to be a follower. Yes leader are not born without follower. Do not complicate your mind and justified it to just follow. Free yourself and have faith in yourself. A knowledge learn but does not bloom yourself actually a knowledge never learn in the first place. Life itself comes to maturity.

Life is a learning lesson. How you grow into a transcending own self depends how you think to lead your life. Countless effort of multi-trials even now seeking to bloom myself, at times I look back what I have written. What lies ahead is nothing more than my stories. How I make it? How I define it? Perfection is subjective no one born to be perfect therefore I do not believe in perfection merely to attain it what can be reach. Each and every individual self-lead their own path. The decision made should never be regretted for all as such already predestine in the circle of FATE. Nothing is stronger than fate. I am leading myself as always and never knows what lies ahead. Makes a plan which can be define but success is far ahead.

Love is merely and purely a distinction bonding ultimately with the other soul. Its normal but to attain such bonding is never a perfect journey. Decision and sacrifices require. I have been there many times only to see the lies in between the lines although I have or may trials again I do seek a perfect bonding. The valuable lesson humans cannot be studied like a book. But my principal remains as I do not like to shows others my relationships only to write it. It purely my experience, therefore the basic fundamental is never to put 100% trust to anyone. Live life in trials and lets the fate decide.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Mungkinkah ?

Mungkin atau kerapkali alpa
Terbina gah sehingga terlupa
Langit tinggi yang terluas bentang
Bumi menghijau kian berkurang
Dunia menara dalam metropolisma
Apa yang hendak dibangga?

Mungkin atau kerapkali alpa
Keratan akhbar tertullis di muka depan
Coretan tangisan sendu hiba merasa
Di medan alam cyber pula pun bercerita
Apakah semua cerita benar atau rekaan
Kekata pujangga kabur dalam kenyataan

Mungkin atau kerapkali alpa
Manusia akan terus dengan cerita-cerita
Yang beriman dalam ilmu berhikmah akal
Berdoa dan berdoa, innalillahiwainnalillahirojiun
Rukun iman wajib percaya qada dan qadar

Tanpa kudrat, iqtiqat, syariat dan makrifat hakikatnya tidak mungkin wujud hakikat itu sendiri. Lafaz terzahir tidak mungkin terlihat batin-NYA. Persoalan hati itu rumit dan mencermin diri  itu adalah yang paling TERBAIK walau bukan sebaiknya. Aku cuma melihat diri aku sendiri. Pengertian dan penilaian dalam diri sendiri.