Saturday 20 October 2012

I accept myself

Living as such binds by chronicle attachments of which already have been predestined which mostly at times we as merely humans unable to dissolve what matter most because the mind will never profound the reasons. But as such matter merely humans the feeling of abstract within may or may not grow because osmotic we all are in it. For all the thousand years since begin it have been like so and to this valid date nobody able to profound it. Fate is never to blame only to those whom lost without knowledge will blame fate. Faith may grow or tumble out of the blue. Life may at times seem cruel for no reasons. I have been there as to me might be worst but not to some vice versa others. Complexity of life thus how complex to profound and define true self attachment? Life a drifter; born a loser no doubt about it.
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, gifted or skill. It will make or break a company or a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past nor can we change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you; we are in charge of our Attitudes.  

For all the trials and error, happiness or sadness of which attachment through emotional content of my own without the guidance from Allah I will LOSE. Alhamdulillah I have a strong will and faith. Never will I be perfect. The glimpse of me past and present nothing more on how I express myself. The way I am towards whom I known or noted I am what I am never intend to duplicate others. Life is to live with trials practice and lets the fate decide.
I am merely humans of which tumbles upon myself as I profound in the circle of life thus written humbly through enigma concepts from time to time I look at to see myself. The truth is life is a process as such one must seek progression upon owns self because happiness comes within when God (ALLAH) is always in the mind. Nope I am not perfect as tons of mistakes and repeating clumsiness but I trials myself how it begins how many effort how many times too many times for whatever reasons I Masrulhakim Bin Amin live in trials practise as such in trials and lets the fate decide. I accept myself.
The diary of my life is essentials with deep sense of thoughts. I kept mine through my word of expression and I gaze it at times in my book of library. It is my footnote. “I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I'd just been myself.”
Alhamdulillah Yaa Allah for I have stand in the midst of times. Without your guidance I will lose and seeking for absolute nothing.

Thursday 18 October 2012

To all whom it may concerns ?

To all whom it may concerns:

For everything that was before and present of me can never be as answer as a whole. What I am today as present how I becomes does not even defines anybody as for what matter process and progression of what I am. The way I am and the way of how chronicle my depth of thinking is nothing more than humbly expression of my journey in life. I took any challenge for me to be I think I should be never less to duplicate others or copy self right but transcending sharing the enigma of essence. I am not perfect as countless failure of judgement, carelessness and all as such merely humans but I accept myself. Thus how I can be so forgiving or by generosity from time to time as the matter of facts is where I am from the past for I was there before but does not really matter because to me life as such condemn for no reason but the self is actually destructive to becomes. How many do really live in a way of simplicity thus be thankful of not enough?

To all whom it may concerns:

For everything that was before and present of me can never be as answer as a whole. What I am today as present how I becomes does not even defines anybody as for what matter process and progression of what I am. Although I can said I yearn that much as a human beings to be self completed as such now no longer in my transcending value because to defines natural bonding through so called emotionally attachment is complexly no profound from heart to heart how many can really remains through time as to accept and be thankful because life can never be enough. Therefore do not conclude me as others and resemble like others for I am not others but how many really live to remarks the truth and live within it? I am not perfect as countless failure of judgement, carelessness and all as such merely humans but I accept myself. What makes me different might be how too honest I am as such how many still living as I am today?

To whom it may concerns:

For everything that was before and present of me can never be as answer as a whole. What I am today as present how I becomes does not even defines anybody as for what matter process and progression of what I am. Basically it is my practise to build up a wall structures so old looks alike Great Wall of China for me to see how many really live into it as such words can just be merely words. People mostly don’t care. Mostly as always took kindness as a gesture of weakness. Only those whom knows what to know what really matter most because thankfulness is beyond action but noted by self as I look upon myself from time to time nothing more than self progression.

To whom it may concerns:

For everything that was before and present of me can never be as answer as a whole. What I am today as present how I becomes does not even defines anybody as for what matter process and progression of what I am. Whether you succeed or not why matters? People who go for just success can never be enough. Seek progression in process as by time never to forget who you are and what makes you. To Whom It May Concern live life as such in trials practice and lets the fate decide. We all are merely humans therefore accept who you are to seek and trials who you want to be. Happiness is a process and progress through inner and outer dimensional of becoming a PERSON.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Under pressure

Under pressure as for all entity bind to live as such since the first from the very child till the time to say goodbye because life is profound in a way for no entity can escape. Miracles do happen at times but why wait for miracles as such no attempt of trying alas although to some may work but not to others. Analysis to some situation for conclusion may give the answer or may not as it could give worst. Life as such nothing is absolute. Profound the meaning by wealth maybe could be lessen the pressure of life but how many could really profound it that is the way? For all the thousand years from time to time conflict define in a chronicle new way as to adapt the generation time. Example tradition becomes contradiction. Culture grows in a define way as to time. Either to remain the same but attaching the traditional way into rational way of which might be into new stigma because practicality does not only comes into academic in theory as to answer reasons. In actual fact to live under pressure but to remain as calm as possible define not only who you are as a person but expressing the self to except. To me what matter most where do I stand in the midst of time? I will be lost without the guidance from Allah. Alhamdulillah that is one of the many miracles in life of which are not able to describe but content towards self as such from time to time I look at every expression that was written here. I do not live for others expectations
 Under pressure and subjectively there were times in fact tons of failure chronically osmotic living but I drew myself as what I want. Except thus just moving forward but all reminisces back then still remain. People mostly as per today mostly take kindness as weakness. The norm of life why bother so much? There is nothing that becomes perfection and to me only “people” with a bricking head will trials perfect. I have been there before maybe worst maybe not as for a question asked to me nobody live in the same path although we are or maybe not? Firstly to question something and to debate that is two different questions. Words mention by me may be summarize or analysis wrongly but I am not to blame for any thoughts of misleading. Did you ever ask me personally?

Under pressure as to me nothing more than what it is. I live my life in trials as to adapt practically and survive with no doubt. I am not religious nor will I show how to be religious way of conduct but I try as much in my capability. Therefore I mixed around for nothing more than life itself. I met a religious teacher but alas sometimes religiously becomes a way of living to earn a living. To me sincerity teaching comes first. You may teach or even pray five times a day but that does not make you religious. But I do meet religious teacher whom really lives the way to it. Distinction does not come handy but through everyday live not only towards self but others.  Do not make mistakes about character. That is the worst and yet easiest error. Think out from the box. Alhamdulillah I thank God (Allah) for giving me pleasure in DID characteristic from past to present to adapt of which becomes a serenity towards people. IED is the opposite side of my characteristic frozen to sleep. But always remains in principal. For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine.  I have value things for now in my visionary world. Although I can said that I have yearn that much but then again at the end of the day how many really value it.

Monday 8 October 2012

Living as an entity bound to attach by all osmotic emotional content.

Nothing really matter actually for all by then whether it found solution or not, worst getting into new stuck up. Analysis situation from one point to another how life always begins with a point to start within us. A destination set upon the living from childhood to adult. How times past that fast and it seem just like yesterday. Countless efforts of multi trials set a pattern in which mark a note as a living. There is no such thing as one trial efforts put up to be completed. Life is a drifter born a loser. Nothing is total absolute. Living as an entity bound to attach by all osmotic emotional content. Be thankful process yourself forward. For me I’ll praise “Alhamdulillah.” Realizing how times really past by me and how I adapt in terms of processing myself towards present. All have already predestined therefore in life always trials practise as whether to succeed or not is nothing more than self satisfaction and joy. Never compare others towards self because to each and every own lives in different dimension although chronically living in the same world.

The ambiance of night whisper thru my ears
Sky fills up the stars but the moon vanished in tinted air
Grips my breathe holding to the valid memories
Thousand of words can never be denied the truth

For once stumble with broken piece of trust
No longer have I sought what’s used to be
Transcending into chronically of transformation
Yesterday can never be today or tomorrow
Life is predestined

The ambiance of night whisper thru my ears
Where does it comes as it bring echoes
I see it almost every day remain unchanged
A glimpse of yesterday and will never be
Picture frame don't change its remains
Roses are red but sunflower is not
Life is predestined

I am still in process thus never have I give up upon anything which I look upon only to realize and except. Remember not everything mend to be yours. Life as such nothing is absolute therefore be thankful and except. But have something in life to aim for what matter the joy or achievement in the making. Life a drifter born a loser and that is the fact. At times as humanly as I am I do grumbles or even wonders why but then again wake up to except that normal. We all are merely humans attaching to all kind emotion. I have my ways of which I adapt through writing in expression of my life. Words can sometimes have more than just a meaning. At times I do look back to trace and see. To me what matter most where I stand in the midst of time? Looking back I see because of me people whom I helped becomes much better than me. I never ask favor in return but I do realized that mostly human tends to take kindness as weakness. In return I received something that I myself not sure to descript in words but to stated in ZEN of which inner peace.

I thank God (Allah) for giving me pleasure in DID characteristic from past to present to adapt of which becomes a serenity towards people. IED is the opposite side of my characteristic frozen to sleep. But always remains in principal. For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine.  I have value things for now in my visionary world. Although I can said that I have yearn that much but then again at the end of the day how many really value it.