Thursday 8 November 2012

Nothing Is Stronger Than Fate

Nothing is stronger than fate. Thus in life as such all trials is predestined but fate is never to be blame unless you do not have faith in your believed. To me as such life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. For all such essential osmotic experience as present moments nothingness but my own journey in a way I stood firmly therefore living either like it or not to be in trials in predestined. Looking back at the steps I took from a simple worker cleaner, data entry, auxiliary police, store assistant, salesman security guards, assistant land survey and currently as present handy-man cum specialist instrumentation distributer all as such life trials without faith I would definitely lost. For all such essential without guidance from Allah 100% no way I would stand as I am now. To mention via expression through written words as times past-by I look at as a reflection of myself although humbly life is never primary or secondary only dramatic chapter of own. 
The IED and DID characteristics which have lead me to meet and known what life is all about. For now IED have been frozen to sleep. Therefore don't get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who I am; my attitude depends on who you are. Basically I build a wall structure so old like a Great Wall of China to everyone from there I know who are my actual friends. Thus even in my previous relationship with most my ex-girlfriends from all sorts of life style is a test itself. Nope I am not lonely although as merely humans I do felt it but to me nothing is much greater than serenity given by Allah not even words able to describe it only by faith. I would rather be single rather than in married of which only dramatic of lives to create so call been complete actually not. Married to me is a test of time togetherness with mature mind in a pledge of which to be honest upon living as a couple as to take responsibility togetherness and sacrifices till either one say goodbye as to profound it a heart is one as the same breathing as own. It’s not simple as it seems to be.
Therefore in relationships or friendships not only to be tested by certified will power but also understanding greater than words. Love is not only to find someone that you can get along with and you'll be fine. Love is not only about "The One-ism" because many people file a divorced. Love is not about been together and been perfect. Perfection is subjective.” The One-ism" is like physics and chemistry or Tao of Ying and Yang which make a balance. Nobody born to be perfect. Sincerity is also the part of Love that made "The One-ism". Love to me is a "Self" complete. That is human nature. It can be so complicated not even words could described it only by "Self" to feel and experienced it. Worst could happen nor even disastrous "Self" if it fails but ever last inner and outer "Self" complete just by LOVE. The act of love to me is just a trivial. Never mix compassion and expressing sincerity because both are two difference feels. Why a question asked for a reason to believe and yet never the fact of LOVE. "The One-ism" is been Self complete. But life is unpredictable. Be prepared. Neither love nor hate forever. Treat your friends as though they could become your worst enemies. You can't belong entirely to others, and no one can entirely be yours. Blood relations are not enough, nor friendship, nor even the most obligations; for it is very different to give someone your heart and to give him your will.
My Truth cannot become yours; otherwise it would have been very cheap. If my truth could be yours then there would be no problem. That is the difference between a scientific truth and a religious truth. A scientific truth can be borrowed. A scientific truth, once known, becomes everybody else's property. Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. Now there is no need for everybody to discover it again and again and again. That would be foolish. Once discovered, it has become public. Now it is everybody's theory. Once discovered, once proved; now even a school child can learn it. Now no genius is needed you need not be an Albert Einstein. Just a mediocre mind will do; just an ordinary mind will do. You can understand it and it is yours. Of course, Einstein had to work for years then he was able to discover it. You need not work. If you are ready to understand and put your mind to it, in just a few hours you will understand.
In life three essential needed to be practice. Honesty, be responsible and sacrifice at times of need. It is easier said than done. That is why to live up your life and express it honestly is a difficult task. If you are honest you will be sincere in what you done and responsible for the task given and sacrifice at times of need. Let me put it these ways in relationship and all attach as a living of osmotic content; honesty, be responsible and sacrifice at times of need is a must. But then again mostly people took kindness as weakness. Human beings relationship can never be study like a book. Emotion can be unpredictable.

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