Saturday 22 December 2012

Kejora Sirna

Kejora Sirna
Kala malam menyelimuti diri
Berkedipan bintangan di langit
Membelai resah gelisah
Terasa sirna di lubuk hati
Menjiwai naluri
Bila kelak tiba
Sirna menusup dalam kejora
Berpindah dan berpagar
Melingkari menusuk kalbu
Lewat waktu berpanjangan
Kemarau belum berlalu
Menantikan hujan

Whatever that was written here to me humbly my expression of which cannot be denied by any level of intellectual but these expression is not absolute.

The moments of life as such to hope and it is because we the human races are indulge with dreams. How it becomes success or failure has already written in the chapter itself. Understand fate actually just merely understands because humans’ minds do have its limits. Nothing is stronger than fate but fate itself is creation of GOD (ALLAH).  As humans we are filling with passion and to be passionate. We are all different and will never be the same but ironically we all HOPE. Live in trials and lets the fate decide. Secondary or primary objective sometimes not all question could be an answer. Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt.

Whatever that was written here to me humbly my expression of which cannot be denied by any level of intellectual but these expression is not absolute. For reasons to me every person as individuality does express themselves in different way. How I manage to fill most of my idealistic philosophical mostly from my life experience as no knowledge is much greater than having to own such experience itself. Every person owns their vast experience in life. From time to time I do look at what was written as a reflection of me. What matter most where I stand in the midst of time? Nobody wants to live in a hard way but nothing is stronger than fate. But FATE is never to blame. Our minds have limits. We should think how to live and adapt it practically because everybody dies when the times come. How do you fill your life?

Reminisces of my past how many times I fail to valid the wrong choice or even opportunity but again it was predestined. How I made a huge sacrifices of which now have becomes a wasteful youth but in life I have always believed not to be selfish. Yup opportunity mostly 99% comes only once in a life time. Therefore I do not dread of yesterday only to live in it and adapt into it. Attitude plays important role. What I am into now is actually to fulfill myself basically as humans thus enjoy every moments. To those whom knew me like it or not I am definitely different person and rare. My charismatic in which cannot be conclude simply does not makes senses at all. 


Wednesday 19 December 2012

How it becomes depend on every situation of which might be able to control or opposite thus becomes plundering into the minds.

There are things in life which will never be able to dissolve as it sinks deep inside. How it becomes depend on every situation of which might be able to control or opposite thus becomes plundering into the minds. The relation of co-existing togetherness via emotionally even medicine unable to cure therefore life is never a fairy tales. Fairy tales or imaginary worlds are never an answer for solution. Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt.  The submission mentally, physically and emotionally as such experience in life how to overcome it? What is the definition? What is the cure? Medicine will never be able to cure it. The point is you must have experienced stress at one time or another whether you know its definition and types or not. Most of us experience stress at one time or another. Without stress, there would be no life. However, excessive or prolonged stress can be harmful. Stress is unique and personal. A situation may be stressful for someone but the same situation may be challenging for others. Life is actually full with chronicle osmotic content via emotionally or physically or mentally because we are all as one terms in bonding. How do we make up stress to such a level as to put in a stable balance is impossible because it is impossible to live without stress. But what is needed to process and progress although not all solution is the answer for any question.

I took everyday lives as a challenge. How it becomes I am not able to define it but only live in trials as I lets the fate decide. It will never mends to be perfect because life will never be perfect. Yes I do admire all those richness or luxuries but I’m practical I am what I am and I accept it. Only that I live in trials and I do not intend to make duplicate of others why bother we will always be different. Try my best what I think best as to adapt the situation that I live in. I might be slow but I don’t give a damn about it. Always live your life at your capability of reached. Knowing the limits and accept it. There are many important things to do in life and proceed in a way that bloom you for better result.

This is an essential diary of my life in which I look upon from time to time. What matter most where I stand in the midst of time? For all the trials without the guidance from Allah I may have lost. Whatever that has been written here is a statement to proof myself not others because I don’t live for anyone expectations but myself. I only share my humble expression with no profit making and it is not preaching. I believed what I believed and all I put in, let’s the fate decide. To live my life and express as honest as I can is a task that is difficult. Life essential about honest, responsible and sacrifices when needed because these three words evolve in all as such as a whole; but nothing is absolute.