Tuesday 5 March 2013

Quality and quantity are two difference cosmos.

By: Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 10:07pm.

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfilment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I believe in cultivating opposite, but complementary views of life and I believe in meeting life's challenges with contradictory strategies. I believe in reckoning with the ultimate meaninglessness of our existence, even as we fall in love with the miracle of being alive. I believe in working passionately to make our lives count while never losing sight of our insignificance. I believe in caring deeply and being beyond caring. It is by encompassing these opposites, by being involved and vulnerable, but simultaneously transcendent and detached, that our lives are graced by resilience and joy. - Fritz Williams

A vivid writer but at times I may go blunt. Blunt as my vision for all that have been written for me to express in my deeper sense from reasons, doubtful thoughts, accomplishment, failure or success, happiness or sadness and all emotional attachment in which I express into phrase of sentences. Honestly I am not a well spoken guy nor seem to be knowledgeable but my senses and sharp observance have made me to express in riddle. Phrase of sentences but then again sometimes words have more than two meanings. What do I expect in life? That my friends; my words of phrase of sentences may not be easy to understand with ignorance for all nothing but the truth. These are my footnote for me to look at and my thoughts which I shared. Like it or hate it, although some words are borrowed; nothingness but as a whole truth of mine. Either you have known me personally or by chances the fact is I would always give an impression. Well a task for me to seek and express it as honest as I am.

Am I that sentimental? I guess I am but again some issue I will just throw it off and let go. I still have a photo frame of someone in my room since 1998. If anyone would ask me what’s there to hold at just let go for I know I would rather been single than having a wrong relationships. Sentimental value some might guess but I would say no for that I would said everything Allah know what best for me. Phrase of sentences but then again sometimes words have more than two meanings. Doesn’t mean knowing is everything. This is my library for maybe one day to be published.
For everything and accomplished task I seek guidance from Allah. Although I am not a wealth person but I can say comfortable alhamdulillah. Quality and quantity are two difference cosmos. I guess I am that daring to try to seek my own way of living for as such not many will be able to cope. There can never be an absolute solution in life but prediction of forecast as to live. Either you make it or not are not up to anyone to decide as life is already been predestined. Being humble and wise in life is never enough as we need to produce it practically in our daily life. Life is more than just to express oneself. Express with honesty that is rare and difficult task of a being. Expressing me has always been a difficult task in life. Life is a learning process can never be perfect. Growing as to be humble is also a very difficult task. Ego seems to be myself and yet it is also the fact. I am never a master nor a teacher but have always been a student still learning never is perfect. Progress is what I have always wanted in life and it is still far to reach.

Wakeful without wandering, the mind is tranquil yet bright. All phenomena are real; profuse yet of a single form. There is neither unifying nor dispersing; neither slow nor quick. Brightness and tranquillity are just as they are. They cannot be explained in words as such own can never be borrowed or shared but knowledge which transcended into sentences.

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