Friday 28 September 2012


Tulisan Puisi oleh Masrulhakim Bin Amin pada hari Selasa, October 18, 2011 Jam: 11:34 malam

Siapakah itu Pendekar
Dahulu kala itulah insan mulia
Mulia pada pandangan rakyat jelata
Suatu derjat hormat di mata Sultan
Pendekarlah pembenteng negara

Apakah erti Pendekar
Bukan hanya pakar tempuran
Bijak bicara akalnya membina
Tidak hanya pada jurus-jurusan
Bersendikan hukum mengikut syariat

Bagaimana jadinya Pendekar
Tingkah bicara panas hatinya
Mau semua segala tunduk patuhi
Terlupa akan asal dan perintah agama
Pendekar itu mengenal diri

Di mana itu Pendekar
Zahir terlihat batin tersembunyi
Bertegur sapa hormat-menghormati
Marifat Pendekar kenal Pendekar
Apabila bicara tanpa berkata

Pendekar dahulu Pendekar kini
Gerakkan langkah tersimpan kata
Kata bukan sembarang kata
Bumi dipijak akhir tanah tertumpah
kullu nafsin zaiqatul maut

Pada tanggal 15 August 2010 Ahad

Jam: 10.11 malam
Paman Iskandar menerima aku sebagai murid melalui ruang Facebook

Pada tanggal 18 September 2010 Sabtu
Jam: 5.00 petang
Pelajaran pertama bersama Paman di gelanggang silat Perkampungan Melayu Geylang Serai.

Pada tanggal 22 March 2011
Jam: 00.11 tengah malam
Aku dikecerkan oleh Bapak Rifai. Penerimaan sebagai anak didik cimande.

Liku-liku perjalan aku mencari silat bukanlah mudah. Sewaktu remaja sehingga dewasa. Pencarian yang mana bukan untuk mencari kemegahan tetapi mengenal diri. Persoalan bukan mudah kerana sukar mencari guru yang sebenar. Antara hak dan batil. Antara kemegahan dan nama. Antara pelajaran nyata dan kabur. Pesan bapa Ku, “Guru itu perlu seimbang. Antara akhirat dan dunia. Tapi lebih ramai keduniaan. Berhati-hati.” 

Antara hak dan batil. Aku pernah melaluinya kerana kejahilan aku dalam agama. Setelah dipelajari tanpa kefahaman yang kukuh hanya menerima kabur dalam terang. Antara kemegahan dan nama mungkin amat ramai manusia begitu hakikatnya pertarungan itu tiada mata atau mengenal. Apabila darah mengenal darah mampu mengikut hati siapa lewat pasti mati. Sukar untuk mana-mana guru memahami ku tapi aku teruskan. Diam bukan bererti dungu. Mata aku melihat bukan hanya langkah maupun gerak. Aku melihat kebenaran. 

Tapi tahun 2010 melalui ikhtiar dan Istiharah gerak hati tercuit. Semoga aku tercapai “mengenal diri”. 


Wednesday 26 September 2012

For all that matter to most people is to achieve what he or she seeks in life.

For all that matter to most people is to achieve what he or she seeks in life. I am no different. Life is a learning lesson as such to embark in a stage. From early childhood wandering with all the imagination as such then come teenage life adventures into trials only to realize how wonderful it is for now as an adult responsibility can sometimes hard to figure. Honestly my thought of which I express it in words never to be published hence never I intended to share it but I have realized how much it could be more than just expression of my words. For what matter most to me where do I stand in the midst of time and at times I look back all essentials of which I wrote. Do I progress in the chapter of my life? I never intended to make a comparison or duplicate others but to embark myself as humanly self being. Why I have always been different finally give me the answer. It is not because I am different it just happens to be I live the way I believe in and I have a strong faith in it.

There is no way in life as such merely perfect. Perfection is subjective because to reach the height rather impossible but to attain it might be possible as long as in capability. Never forget the human in you. All that attach towards self chronically some when the times comes back to what it should be. Alhamdulillah no words could be describe for everything in my life without the guidance from Allah I will definitely lost my way. For everything that was once osmotic transcending enigma have no longer exist in the inner circle of mine.  I have value things for now in my visionary world. Although I can said that I have yearn that much but then again at the end of the day how many really value it. For what is more important is where I stand in the midst of time. Almost all my life I have been giving for then I have realized how much times passed-by. People are hard to figure. At times when they we so called friend but then as times passed-by they will change; therefore I truly believed written quote by Balthasar Gracian as mentioned, “Friendship is to be examined by discretion, tested by fortune, certified not only will power but also understanding.”

Alhamdulillah all the years the journey that I took to mix with all sorts of mortals never less still learning towards every human beings define how life is more than just to live but to express the self as to embark from past to present. Every human being is unique. There can never be a look alike. But mostly people like to make a comparison. It could be good but could be bad. Knowing when to compare and when should not. Whatever that was said out can never be alter but to except with validation or correction. Human ego can sometimes be critical. Maturity can be soon enough but can also be prolonging until a person could able to define him or her with knowledge thus experience.