Sunday 6 November 2011

My Defination of Self-Defence.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 10:28pm

Martial arts is a knowledge form to defense oneself.There are many various styles and patterns.Every martial arts have their own philosophy and beliefs.To me every foundation is just a stool to believe.Practical and simple is always the facts but it is also not enough if it is not effective why make a move??But without the styles or patterns there is never a KNOWLEDGE.For all the thousand years custom,tradition and rule are made by early tribe to a modern culture until today.Expressing the arts learn is never expressing the self.Understanding of movements is just the EGO.

Martial arts is not just about movements,styles or patterns to me it is about defending yourself and expressing practically to survive.Do not deny the classical approach because it is the foundation to the arts.To form and yet no form.To strike is meaningless if the opponent survive.Martial arts is not just expressing Self but knowing the Self.To express is a diffcult task.Martial arts is a learning process to be the self. 

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