Wednesday 21 May 2014

To Live You Must Express Yourself In What You Believed In.

I live my life and express it in a different version. I have never intended to duplicate becoming somebody because I do not believe in becoming someone else. Life should be a process proceeding to progress in self with others.  Imperfection and you cannot make everyone like you or agreeable with you. Why worries about others whom just concern for purpose? Time is precious live life utmost with people whom except you as who you are and your imperfection. There is other concern which is YOU.  To live humbly and graciously as I live life in trials practice and let the FATE DECIDE.

One can never live to be alone as individuality in life because the world can never be alone without the other. For such matters a picture shows the comfort require by everybody. It’s a plain black and white that roots among us. What matter most are the balances to live in it. We can never be the same because each and every own seek or come from different path. The hearts have always been important parts of our immune system.
Timeless effort of multi trials as years past by and looking to where I am standing; although too many times in failure my faith still intact, ALHAMDULILLAH and practically because I live within my principal as such live is to live practically and survive with no doubt. I may compare at times but then I do not make it into absolute tragic. Why bother? PASRAH cannot be define or describe into written words. To entrain enlighten you must seek yourself and FOCUS.

To live in hope without a doubt by grace of ALLAH, for all that matter I will be lost without the guidance. There are so many failures careers, relationships and even friendships but to me the reals one will stay. Experience cannot be studied but trials through it and I have long realized never to put any trust completely in anyone. Trust is not merely by words of sentences but action true fully and the result from it. I am not a saint nor am I a religious person as I am the way I believe as I put my faith and trials to learn and progress. I can envy some but nothing is stronger than fate. For all matters of trials, I let the fate decide. I believed in self-cultivation rather than following the distinction of path lead by others because basically we are all different; physically, mentally, emotionally, biologically and all osmotic content in us, process and progress.

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