Thursday 23 January 2014

Terukir dalam setiap hiasan.

Terukir dalam setiap hiasan.

October 4, 2010 6:16 ptg

Terukir dalam setiap hiasan. Tersenyum namun tersimpul rahsia. Perjalanan bagi setip individu yang hidup. Masa tidak akan menunggu tetapi menanti untuk diiringi dalam penentuan qada dan qadar. Apa hakikat itu? Hakikat menerima dan memberi itulah daya dalam hayat. Mencapai sesuatu mungkin dapat mungkin tidak. Apa yang penting berdoa dan usaha. Setiap sinaran cahaya pasti ada gelapnya. Begitu juga alam hidup. Tidak ada kegembiraan tanpa kedukaan. Kesempurnaan yang nyata tiada. “BagiMu segala puji Yaa Allah. Aku mohon kepadaMu daripada apa yang baik untuk diri dan imanku serta dalam kemampuanku.”

Terukir dalam setiap hiasan. Kekadang apa yang indah itu adalah pesona saja. Kabur dalam terang. Lumrah kebanyakan manusia yang mana apa yang terlihat indah itulah indah. Sebenarnya belum ada keindahan tanpa mengenal dalam erti indah itu sendiri. Antara rasa dan firasat itu ada berbeza. Sifat rasa lebih mengolahkan kepada diri. Apabila buta hati yang terlihat itu benar sedangkan ia adalah sebaliknya.

Terukir setiap hiasan. Apakah menjalani kadar hidup ini dengan banyak penipuan? Hidup tanpa amanah pastinya kelak hilang kepercayaan. Bukan hanya kepada diri tetapi juga yang lainnya. Setiap perkara itu ada niatnya. Tanya diri apakah niat itu tulus atau sebaliknya. Kebenaran akan sentiasa benar.

Monday 20 January 2014

The biggest factor in life occur when you realized what most important for you to seek in life.

The biggest factor in life occur when you realized what most important for you to seek in life. Upon realizing it you will either try your best or ignore it thus basically you will regret not trying in later part. It takes gut to seek what you believe and ignore what others might say. Not all advised to be revoke only to be analyze by you and decision by you; no one else. Life is a challenge and everyday itself is a challenge. To me and I agree what Bruce Lee mentioned in his quotes, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself; do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” I do not intend to duplicate someone else what I want to seek my own self thus live in my way practically. All and as far as I am now as such I profound life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. Live life in trials practice and lets the fate decide. Nothing is stronger than fate. For what matter most where do I stand in the midst of time?

People change. You and I also change. How compassion in life thus everyone keen for a better changes. The problems lie how does a change make you becomes a mature being. Maturity does not see your age or status; it defines how you become. When you own value thus you earn respect directly because what you have done. Actually everyone owns their own value. It is how you know your value and used it correctly well not to extend firmly standing for correction; never admit your mistake. Great people honestly express what they did wrong to set as an example. But in life status play apart thus you may lost your self- respect.

I am living in my visionary world but I know it can never be perfect. Thus humbly I mixed with anyone and I show my kindness to whom I care but then mostly people mistook my kindness as weakness. Some even thought I want my gratitude back. I have been there, might not be the same but I know how’s it like. Sometimes I just wonder how “street people” deserve my respect than people seem to be well off in the society. The mind should not be orthodox. People cannot be judge like a book. Therefore experience in life is priceless. Experience defines who you will become as a person.