Tuesday 10 July 2012

Locked Inside

The darkness within
it threatens to claw its way out
tear me apart on its way
destroy its host

I see the demon inside
I feel its evil
taste its hate
experience its fantasies

I do all I can to hide it
hide it from the ones I love
hide it from the ones I hate
hide it from everyone

But it's not enough anymore
it's becoming harder
harder to suppress what's inside
to keep it under control

Some would call me crazy
some would call me paranoid
I call myself a prison
and what's locked inside...

Should never be allowed to escape.
Kaysen Fraker 

The IED and DID characteristics which have lead me to meet and known what life is all about. For now IED have been frozen to sleep. Therefore don't get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who I am; my attitude depends on who you are.

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