Wednesday 13 May 2015

Becoming selective and remains in the principal is not selfish.

At times a cup of coffee, alone with my own self doing nothingness I see myself clearly. Yes the imperfection of life struggles, how miracle happens or tragically unexpected situation; what I see are fractions that predestined in the journey. The journey of life is nothing more like a dramatic question to find an answer. Even so life hurdles cannot be predicted only forecast, how the situation you may falls or trap nobody will be able to help you. Only selective people will come-by and help regardless whether he or she have the same blood-line as you or none at all, puzzling because sometimes miraclely that person may only know you a little. Practically and mostly people who you knew don’t really care. After years that have pass-by and the result that I have been through I become selective. Therefore I always set my priority first now because people mostly may not even attempt to think the sacrifices you made for them. Not even be thankful so I tend to move forward regardless all that may tag along insya-allah. Put your trust and faith, lets the fate decide. But then when you are too honest in statement or principal people can mistook your intention as vengeance or hate. You cannot make everyone agree or like you. It becomes an awkward moments when you realized actually you cannot handle stupid people. I mean damn stupid, ignorance and selfish person, moving away from the negativism thoughts.

Becoming selective and remains in the principal is not selfish. Its mean you are giving your priority first but even so if you decline your priority first for other, your sacrifice is mean well. Nothing more a gestures truthful action from you, giving and not asking to gives back. My goal today may changes in future but it remains purely the same in principal, where do I stand in midst of time?

There lots of people out there to judge me wrongly but as I mentioned before I don’t really care because ALLAH knows my intentions. I am not yet settle and I am single basically not because I want to stay single forever it just that my soulmate is not yet destined. Some people with sarcasm thought or views think I do not even have girlfriends before. I am not a person to declare my relationships status when I involve in relationship. I do not see a point because I believed at times there are certain issues to just be kept but mostly people like to show off. Not until I get married than maybe I will gladly to declare. Some people with sarcasm thought or views may think I am a choosy fellow well nobody live in the same shoes as you. Who are they to judge you right? I believed ALLAH knows best and this FAITH AND TRUST never fails me. My motto for so many years till present, “Life is to live practically and survive with not doubt. Live life in trials practice and lets the fate decide.” Only selective people understand that principal of faith. A statement where do you think you belong?

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Mana bukti syahadah ku

Apakah aku berdiri dengan syahadah
Berjalan dan berlari-lari hampir lemas
Lautan yang begitu luas terbentang
Kebebasan yang aku merasakan hilang
Di manakah pedoman aku ini
Atau mungkin sekadar bicara bibir
Aku menoleh ke belakang
Masa terdahulu sudah banyak terbuang
Tapi aku tetap di simpang penantian
Aku sudah pun penat
Sungguh letih dengan setiap keadaan
Tapi aku tetap di persimpangan
Mana bukti syahadah ku

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لآ إِلَهَ إِلَّا الله
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُوْلُالله
Kata bukan di lisan saja
Di mana aku perlu membuktikannya
Di mana aku tidak bersandar kepada sesiapa
Syirik aku beramal kerana amal dan pahala

Tapi mana bukti syahadah ku

Sunday 22 February 2015

Innalillahi wa innalillahi rajiun.

Innalillahi wa innalillahi rajiun.

1. Maha Suci (Allah) yang ditanganNya kerajaan (pemerintahan) dan Dia Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
2. Yang menjadikan mati dan hidup,supaya Dia menguji kamu,siapa diantara kamu yang lebih baik amalannya dan Dia Maha Perkasa lagi Pengampun.
(Surah Al-Mulk ayat 1 dan 2)

2. Dia yang menciptakan kamu dari pada tanah kemudian Dia menetapkan ajalmu dan ajal yang ditentukan disisiNya,kemudian kamu bimbang (juga kepadaNya)
( Surah Al-An'aam ayat 2 )

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Tangisan Mu kala mula
Pabila nalurimu menjelma
Titip nada bergema-gema
Mencurah rasa kepada dunia

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Yang ingin diberi nama
Di mana diri Mu mulai bersih
Jiwa-jiwa Mu tiada di noda
Itulah awal mula diri Mu

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Bukanlah bangsa Mu yang Mulia
Bukanlah keturunan Mu yang Tinggi
Lihatlah akan diri Mu sendiri
Tiada berbeza hanyalah hamba

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Tahukah siapa Tuhan Mu
Apakah pegangan Agama Mu
Penuhilah jiwa raga Mu
Kamu pasti kembali di kemari

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Tiada perlunya kamu berbangga
Tiada perlunya kamu menyesal
Kerna inilah tulisan awal di Azali
Sebelum kamu hampir ke mari

Demi masa
Berapa ramaikah manusia rugi
Ingatlah akan lima perkara
Sebelumnya datang lima perkara
SihatMu sebelum sakitMu
MudaMu sebelum tuaMu
KayaMu sebelum miskinMu
LapangMu sebelum sempitMu
HidupMu sebelum matiMu

Hai Si Jabang Bayi
Bukan aku punya kekata
Inilah wasiat awal mula jadiMu
Dengarkanlah ikutkanlah
Sebelum kamu hampir ke kembali

Tarikh: 31/12/2011

Bersatu teguh bercerai runtuh

Ke mana mungkin hilangnya Taming Sari
Apakah ianya hanya akan tinggal nama
Keris pusaka lambang satria dalam diam membunuh sahabat
Dalam taat bertitah Raja namun kecundang akhirnya

Ke mana mungkin hilangnya Tuah
Laksmana terbilang dalam hikayat Melayu
Pendekar termashyur lima sahabat
Bersatu teguh bercerai runtuh

Ke mana mungkin para pendita
Mulai hilang dalam nyata maka luputlah pengetahuan kita
Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia

Tarikh: 10 haribulan October 2010 · 

Tidak kekal abadi.

Yang telah lama BERKUASA
Yang telah lama HIDUPNYA
Ada antara mereka TERLUPA
Ada antara mereka TERLENA
Si Firaun mengata dia TUHAN
Si Firaun mengata dia KUASA
Tapi fitrah jasad kenal DIRI
Tapi fitrah jasad pasti KEMBALI
Si Muda tidak akan sentiasa MUDA
Si Tua tidak aka sentiasa TUA
Semua pasti akan MATI
Tidak perlu mencerca Si Firaun
Tidak perlu menghukum Si Firaun
Itu bukan kerja KITA

Hakikatnya sebagai BERINGAT
Untuk yang fikir berdaulat KUASA
Untuk yang fikir berdaulat HARTA
Semua pasti akan MATI

Tidak kekal abadi......

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Pasal orang SILAT

Pasal orang SILAT
Orang-orang SILAT ada pelbagai
Ada orang SILAT pandai-pandai
Ada orang SILAT dalam cyber saja
Ada orang SILAT menuntut haknya
Ada orang SILAT menguji-uji minda
Siapakah orang SILAT sebenar

Pasal orang SILAT
Orang-orang SILAT bermacam karenah
Bersilat hanya kerana ingin amalan
Bersilat hanya kerana ingin namanya
Bersilat hanya kerana ingin berdaulat
Di manakah makam SILAT sebenar

Pasal orang SILAT
Orang-orang SILAT bukan semua Islam
Islam itu adalah agama KITA
Islam itu bukan sekadar NAMA
Islam itu membentuk AKHLAK
Apakah SILAT itu ISLAM

Pasal orang SILAT
Orang-orang SILAT ada mencari SILAP
Kalau cakap SILAP nanti melawan
Kalau cakap SILAP nanti ditawan
Kalau cakap SILAP nanti berlawan
Belajar SILAT bukan sekadar SILAP

Pasal orang SILAT
Dulu sama kini pun tetap sama
Apa ada dengan orang SILAT.

February 11, 2015  Jam: 12:24 pagi 

Mereka Bukan Sesiapa, Hanya Suara Anjing

Mereka bertanya tentang usahaku
Sedangkan usahaku tidak perlu aku perlihatkan
Mereka bertanya tentang kedudukkanku
Sedangkan aku merasakan bukan keperluan
Mereka berkata memberi harapan dan kepastian
Sedangkan mereka terlupa bukan sesiapa menguruskan
Apakah mereka terlupa bahawa ALLAH menentukannya

Mereka yang berada di samping ku keliru
Aku tidak berfikiran sama seperti mereka
Sedangkan aku ini bukanlah sesiapa bagi diri mereka
Kenapa perlu keliru kerana tidak sama merasa
Apakah yang terfikir dalam hidup Mu
Andai mereka mengerti kewujudan itu sebenarnya tiada

Dia Yang Tetap Hidup; tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia; maka  sembahlah kamu akan Dia dengan mengikhlaskan amal agama kamu kepada-Nya sematamata. Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah, Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam. 
( Ayat 65 : Surah al-Mu’min )

Thursday 5 February 2015

Pasal malam Jumaat

Khamis malam Jumaat
Ramai Melayu kalut pasal malam Jumaat
Yang bersenang-senang dok asyik kata bedal
Yang bertahyul pulak terus mengasah karut
Yang penakut pulak kata Si Hantu berkeliaran
Aku tepuk kepala menjadi hairan
Memang hairan dengan otak Melayu

Khamis malam Jumaat
Hei awak nak bedal malam Jumaat je ke
Ni Fulan pulak berkemenyan dah buang tebiat ke
Yang ni pulak semenjak bila Jin jalan ada ikut masa
Kalau tak tahu pergilah tanya
Pergilah bertanya mengenal ilmu
Bukankah senang itu namanya

Khamis malam Jumaat
Peribahasa lama telah pun tertulis
Siapa makan cili dialah terasa pedas
Ikan kekek mak iloi iloi, dengar ke tak
Ikan gelama mak ilai ilai, kan dah terpanggil
Nanti adik mak iloi iloi....

Khamis malam Jumaat

Siapa Yang GILA ?

Pasal orang gila
Ramai berkata dia gila
Dia suka bercakap sendirian
Kadangkala kerap dia ketawa
Duduk termenung meracau diri
Mengila dalam pandangan mata

Tapi aku lihat dia mengada
Kalau dia memang seorang gila
Bagaimana Si Gila tidak sesat jalan
Dia tahu mana hendak dia menuju
Meluat aku teramat meluat
Kalau boleh hendak aje aku sepak
Pijak-pijak muka Si orang gila

Hei Si Orang gila
Kamu ini benarkah gila
Caramu memang tak masuk akal
Kamu sebenarnya sakit jiwa
Jiwa-jiwa Mu menjadi tebal
Melayan karenah resah gelisah

Melihatmu aku tak kasihan
Mengharap benar kaki aku ini
Untuk menyepak kepala Mu
Biar kamu mati
Biar nanti aku yang gila

Tarikh: 4/02/2015 – Rabu
Jam: 5.15 petang


Tuesday 27 January 2015

What matter most to me where do I belong in the midst of time?

When the laziness begins it embark into self-cultivation of just not wanting to do anything that might complicate the minds. Sitting and blasting whatever music that sounds music to my ears how life can be so fucking complicated. Oh well life just a plain of nothingness but creation of own for now I am lazy. Yes at times I prefer laying myself with a cup of coffee to ease myself and blast whatever that sound music to me. A moment for myself, when I am alone my vision can be more accurately clear thus that is how I manage to express it in words.  Of course whatever that was written cannot come into perfect absolute answer but the point is having the reason to question. Mostly people like to follow the crowd blinded from what they really want. Is it justified? We are merely attachment of all that’s come by in our life. Each has purpose and responsibilities regardless because of agenda. Life is a dramatic lesson. What is your purpose here? That’s only you yourself can configure the answer.

How I may envy some people, living life as such with tremendous things but then the envies does not put me down because what I believe all are predestined. My colors of life is what I as an artist what to color it. Do I want to paint just merely rainbow? Nope I prefer complexity. No words can describe it only to be feeling by others differently. Every artist has their own complexity. I do not believed living by others as such my course of action or attitude makes me into a snobbish person. At times I have a problem knowing something before it happen thus my action becomes a taboo to others. I do not like to think in a big crowd. Honestly it makes me sick. Yes my words are harsh but I am not arrogant. I am not a saint or a religious person. I am still learning. That’s basically the reason why I do not want to continue my studies years ago. Not because education is not important but I believed in practicality and self-cultivate for creativeness. A person does not just educate themselves to be a student only but must embark themselves whatever that he or she learn and use it in life. It could be his or her career, relationship or whatever in life. The point is your life must be live upon your intention with creativity. Do you? But no person able to accomplished all. I am still seeking myself what I am best at.

The journey of life, how you struggle, how you falls ampler times, how to crawl up and whatever challenges you may takes believe me no person will know your suffering. They may know it but the pain you when into no person know it. The reality of life only selective few humble friends that come-by knowing, understand and except your situation; not allowing you to lose your focus. Each and every entity has distinguish own struggles. The different between winning and losing is in life how you can accept and move forward. Winning is not everything in life. What you achieve and what you can give to yourself and others that is winning. For every purpose you make must show at least the result.

Therefore I am trying not because I want to be known but I am trying for myself. If my action gives a good result I don’t mind shares a bit of my sweat. The emotion when a person gladly accepts what was given by me to my humble opinion an amazing feeling, Alhamdulillah. But then human mostly like to assume. Your action may come-by for what they may think correct as an agenda and question your purpose. Others may tries to take advantage of your kindness. The reality of life, if you really kind you just don’t care although you may feel the pinch of salt. Ignore; not losing focus and move forward. That is a part of success. What matter most to me where do I belong in the midst of time?