Friday 18 January 2013

My name is Masrulhakim Bin Amin.

I have walk across from all sort’s emotions and physical and yet I still walking. Life is a journey to seek until the day we left this world. Life is like a flower in the fields. Once it winter we will not know where it’s will in the next seasons. The complexity in life as such can never be profound but a task to seek without arrogance in it. Where do I stand in present or future is not for me but time. Only time will tells the tales of my life. I have yet upon seeking to attain but manage to free myself for a task given. How times have passed by me and yet I am still what I am. Looking, searching and seeking for myself in the journey of time. A vivid writer but at times I may go blunt. Blunt as my vision for all that have been written for me to express in my deeper sense from reasons, doubtful thoughts, accomplishment, failure or success, happiness or sadness and all emotional attachment in which I express into phrase of sentences. Honestly I am not a well spoken guy nor seem to be knowledgeable but my senses and sharp observance have made me to express in riddle. Phrase of sentences but then again sometimes words have more than two meanings.
 I have made myself clear for me to write in expression of a book in which i see it thru as to understand and feel the gratefulness alhamdulillah. The journey of imperfection but attain knowledgeable and practical in the way of life. Life is to live practically and survive with no doubt. “One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the market-place. One should direct them towards mutual affection. A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to.” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)
 I have and will always do for a task to seek upon and express it as honestly as I can. We do not live alone. Therefore we all might be an individual but all is actually as a whole, I mean connected. We might not have the same blood-line but there are no humans that have a blood which is not red. Have you ever thought about that my friends? In life three essences needed that is honesty, responsible and sacrifice in kind deeds. If we are not honest there is no trust. If we are not responsible there can never be co-exist in any task that was given to us. If we cannot sacrifice in kind deeds in which we are selfish, we don’t live alone as we all are chronically attach in osmotic essences. Do you figure it out?
 My name is Masrulhakim Bin Amin. I was born at home in Jalan Berseri 20A, 13/03/1978 Monday. This is my story line not yours. A book for me to look at and must said, “Alhamdulillah.” A journey in which I will never have been here or there for a task given if not because of Allah guidance I would have been lost.

By Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Monday, October 4, 2010 at 1:28am )

Monday 7 January 2013

Dengarlah Wahai Bangsaku ( Gagasan Pencak Silat Beradat )

  Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Telah tertitip warisan pusaka
Pusaka pembakar semangat waja
Semangat para pembela nunsantara
Berdiri teguh dalam bicara

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Ayuh bersatu dengan sepadu
Janganlah berdusta dan sengketa
Walaupun berbeza akar budaya
Darah merah tetapkan merah
Budaya asal budaya kita

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia
Patahkan tumbuh hilang berganti
Ayuh marilah kita bersatu
Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Tiap bermula dengannya hati
Ayuh bersihkanlah hatimu
Tatapilah gagasan ini bukan untuk aku
Gagasan ini gagasan sepadu
Penaung nanti di suatu masa

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Kita semua bersaudara
Walau budaya yang berbeza
Namun kita adalah hamba
Ayuh marilah kita kembali menyatu
Wahai bangsaku anak bangsaku

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Warisan ilmu Pusaka Pendekar
Pusaka pembela pusaka berhikmah
Dalam diam tersimpul rahsia
Rahsia diri mengenal diri

Dengarlah wahai bangsaku
Aku titipkan gurindam ini
Semaian rasa dalam jiwaku
Aku gubah semangat pejuang
Gagasan Pencak Silat Beradat
Yang lama dikelek yang baharu didukung

 Dengarlah wahai bangsaku.

(Masrulhakim Bin Amin on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 5:46pm)·

Bangkitnya kita dalam bersatu hati

MASRULHAKIM on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 12:13am  

Dengan kata terlukis indah
Wadahnya tertera amanah pusaka
Meniti sesama untuk mengorak langkah
Kebangkitan Gagasan Milik Siapa
Bukankah kita yang empunya

Bangkitnya kita dalam bersatu hati
Berjuang terus anak-anak warisan kini
Segerak selangkah sejurus kembali
Bangkit dan maju ayuh terus maju
Genggam bara pasti menjadi debu

Sesepuh kata penuh nasihat
Terulung hingga adanya Pendekar
Menjalur kekata menjadi pedoman
Agar tidak hilangnya haluan
Di mana kita asal pusaka silat kita

Tiap bermula awalnya bismillah
Gelombang arus pasti adanya
Tawakal dan ikhtiar dalam berdoa
Terlaras untuk anak-anak kita
AllahHu Akhbar.....Alhamdulillah